She cleans bathrooms, scrubs floors, washes cars and helps in the kitchen. Her favorite thing to do it crack eggs. She's really good at it too! This girl is happiest when she is helping me around the house and I'm so grateful. Last week we had to make cookies (thanks to a cup of sugar from the neighbor!) Yum!

She even holds up quilts...can you see that cute face?

My goal is to finish this one by Friday...better get sewing.
Oooh, I liked you already (hello, Target, AI, same clothing... you obviously have wonderful taste. ;-), but that quilt, love that. Gorgeous!! I'm off to take a peek at your projects... hope your day is a good one!
I thought my mom was kidding when she said that Elizabeth wanted to help change diapers (Jack? Gracen?) on Sunday, but I guess not! What an awesome helper! Would she travel to Madison? We could use some help around here (especially during finals week!). :) - Cousin Lysh
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