Well, this is not the newest project on the block but it remains one of my favorites. I thought I would share my way of putting these cute coffee cozies together. Now, if you are like me and have an embarassing addiction to Starbucks, grab all of your scraps, make lots of these sleeves and boom! Now you have another cute accessory to wear. If you don't share my money-down-the-drain addiction love of the coffeehouse, just make one and call it your earthday project!
OK, grab your latte, some scraps and lets get sewing!
You will need two pieces of fabric and a piece of batting each measuring 12 inches by 5 inches. For the binding you will need fabric measuring 2.5 inches by about 30 inches. You will also need coordinating thread, a button and a medium sized hair elastic.
{tip} If you are planning on attaching your binding by machine the 2.5 inch binding is important.
{tip} Since it will be on the back and not seen, you can use a cheaper, scrap piece of fabric for one of your two fabric choices.
{tip} If you like a patchwork look, feel free to sew together scraps randomly to create your main fabric piece.
Start by making a quilt sandwich, with the batting in the middle, fabric right sides out.

Quilt as desired. Just about everything looks cool on these, loops, meandering, straight lines, etc. This is a great place to practice free-motion quilting.
{tip} If you plan on making a few sleeves with the same fabric scheme, go ahead and make a larger quilt sandwich and cut out more than one sleeve out of the piece.
Now, following this template, trace the sleeve shape with a pencil. This will be covered with binding so don't worry about the line showing.
Cut out sleeve along the lines.
Take your binding strip and fold in half, right sides out, ironing as you go along. Once the strip is folded you can pin onto the sleeve with the folded side to the center. If you are not familiar with binding check out this great Heather Bailey Binding Tutorial. You will be mitering corners and attaching with pins along the way.
Although I would not use this method for a quilt, folding and wrapping the edge of the binding like shown works for this little project. Perfectionists...flip, measure and stitch if you want to!!!
Then sew with a quarter inch seam around the sleeve. Remember to stop 1/4 inch from each mitered corner and continue along the next side. Once you get to the right side of the sleeve, insert the hair elastic so that just a little is showing on the outside. You can see it in the photo below. Then reverse stitch and reinforce the stitching a few times over the elastic.
Now flip that binding over and if you would like, you can sew it down on the back by hand. This looks really nice but I often make a few of these at once and I like to go for quick! I flip over the binding to the back but I secure it on the front, grabbing the back side of the binding with the pin, right in what will be the stitch in the ditch line.
Then I sew in the ditch all the way around, securing the back binding as I go.
{tip} As you can see above, there might be little slip-ups (lower left corner) but as long as it is secure, especially the corners, no problem (unless it is a gift...or your perfectionist tendencies come out)
Almost done. Time to go and grab coffee if you haven't already because we need to measure that button. The elastic allows for some give, so the sleeve is effective for many size cups. Although you may as well fit it for what you use the most. I use a medium sized cup and wrap it around. Cross over the elastic and mark a centered spot that will hold the sleeve snug but not tight.
{note} If you use these a lot the elastic will stretch out a bit but I have never had to reposition a button.

Mark your spot then sew on your button. Keep in mind if you have a large button you will need more slack from the elastic to get it around the large button when fastening.

You are finished! If you finished your coffee too, you can use your caffeine high to jump around a bit or call your good friend and ramble on about what a fantastic job you did.

So, how do you enjoy your Java? What is your favorite beverage treat? Do you have a favorite place to read a book or chat with friends? I'd love to hear about it. Leave a comment here and you will be entered in my giveaway. I am giving away two Moda charm packs. I have an Odyssea by Momo charm pack and a Fruitcake by BasicGrey charm pack. I will pick one winner for each of them on Friday, April 30th.
This is also a celebration of one year and almost 100 posts. :) No need to link up, be a follower, etc. But...I would love it if you would!
See you next Friday.
I loooooove cappuccino, and enjoy one every chance I get! Thank you for this nice giveaway! I love both fabric-collections in the charm-packs, so I'm crossing my fingers! :-)
Hey Alyson! Great tutorial, good luck with it tonight. I love both of those charm packs and I'm sure I could find a good use for either one!
Great tutorial! And very cute little sleeve. I love Pumpkin spice lattes in the fall, and raspberry mochas any time! I have to have a hazelnut coffee every morning though!
Love the tutorial--I've been meaning, in the back of my mind, to make one of these. I enjoy lattes, every two or three days, mostly while sitting in front of my computer... and they have to be hot lattes, no matter the weather...
Great job on the tutorial! Now I can make one for myself - I think they'd look great around a glass of Diet Pepsi, don't you? Cute charm packs. Bet I know where you bought them. :-) Great blog - thoroughly enjoy it. I check every day to see if you've posted something new. xxoo!
Thanks for the tutorial. It does look like a great project to practice free motion quilting on. My favorite hot beverage is hot chocolate - yum! Thank you for the giveaway!
My favorite is capuccino, and I like it the most when my boyfriend makes me one on Sun morning, and wakes me up with it.
Thanks for the tutorial, I will try it.
And also I would like to enter this nice giveaway.
Oh, and happy blogbirthday.
i actually don't drink coffee... i don't drink much other than water. it's the only thing i find refreshing. however, i'll never pass up a stop at a cafe, especially for a sweet treat!
I love the coffee sleeve! Thanks for sharing, I'm thinking I will be making myself one ASAP.
Hummm, how do I like my coffee?!? As an IV first thing in the morning. Constantly the rest of the day. I love a good latte machiato (however you spell that) and during the summer I LOVE Starbucks Java Chip Frappacino. I was plotting how to get one the other day and just didn't have time. The jonesing was sevear though.
I do love a Peppermint White Mocha latte from Starbucks once in a while. There's always coffee brewing at my house. Love it! That's a pretty cute cozy:)
What a darling coffee sleeve. I love your tutorial. I have to try your pin trick with the binding!
My favorite drink is a medium extra hot coconut latte from Dunn Brothers. Whip cream please. Thanks for the chance at the give away. Both are such pretty fabrics
Thanks for the wonderful, easy to follow directions on the coffee sleve! I am going to make one! I like any brand, any type of coffee!
Thanks for the opportunity to have a chance of winning in your give away!
Great tutorial, thankyou!! I am actually not a coffee drinker, but I am very partial to a hot chocolate - YUM!!
Hands down - Chai. Love the tutorial. I'm a hugs Starbucks lover and unfortunately there are none near me. I actually plan my errands by where a Starbucks is located! ;)
Lovely blog! Well, I sheepishly admit to loving our local gas station cappuccino--overly sugared & sweet. It's my Saturday morning treat. Pretty fancy, huh? =)
Wow congrats on your blogiversary! Love the tutorial. I've been wanting to make a coffee sleeve for a while. I love a caramel latte! Yum! Thanks for entering me in your sweet giveaway :-)
That sleeve is a great idea! It would sure dress up my cappuccino!
Happy blogiversary! I especially like your pattern for the cozy because it can expand for a super jumbo cup of coffee goodness ;)
Right now I am working on my second cup of coffee at my favorite coffee place - my studio desk overlooking the river. I am very blessed to have such a nice space!
I am a tea drinker. Great tutorial!
I love stitting on the porch Sunday mornings with my hot tea(not coffee)in one hand, the paper in the other and listening to the birds chirp away!
I'm not really a coffee drinking kind of girl, my beverage of choice if green tea! My big tea mug can still use a beautiful cozy though, thanks for the tutorial and for the giveaway!
Yum, my favorite beverage is an iced mocha. I don't really read anymore because I don't have time to read and sew with a 1 year old baby. So of course the reading had to be the one to go :)
Also - yum on the fabric! Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway!
Thank you for the tutorial. My beverages of choice are caff. coffee and green tea. The charm packs are lovely. Please enter me in your giveaway. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Oh, great tutorial, and happy blogiversary!
Im not really a coffee person, but I do know plenty who are!
i enjoy a good hot chocolate. with whipped cream on top if i am indulging!!! this is a great giveaway, thank you for having it. both of these lines are so great. congratulations on your milestones!
I have 2 favorites: In the morning I like to sit on my swing and have my morning coffee while the sun comes fully up and the birds are chirping. It's so peaceful. The 2nd is when I have time I like to bring a special lunch for myself and sit on a park bench and watch the people go by and the ducks on the little lake. Sometimes a long musician will be playing, or ladies from work nearby are eating together. It's nice to see other people enjoying the day too.
Thanks for the tutorial, very cute and clever!
Fun. I was just thinking of making a coffee cozy for a friend for her birthday so this tutorial is perfectly timed. I used to only like the very sugary coffees but I've become a fan of plain old coffee with hot milk of late.
I love hot beverages but right now I am hooked on frozen/iced mocha frappes. I think I will make a sleeve for those. Thanks for the tutorial and the chance to win. Congrats on your bloggaversary and 100 posts!
Hey There! My days are pretty busy so I like to read when waiting for the kids to get out of school in the car. It's quiet, no phone and relaxing. Thank you for the giveaway!
Great tutorial! Just signed up to follow! I love just good old black coffee.
Happy Blogiversary!! Love your tutorial.
I love cappucino! Also a passion for anything combined with chocolate and coffee--the double zap effect! Thanks for having a neat give away, and I am a follower too, Sharonj.
I love those sleeves! And I love a really good double espresso and latte!
I work in coffee, so my favorite changes a lot so I don't suffer drnk burn out, right now I am liking caramel macchiatos, but we'll see what sounds good next week =) since I don't really relax at starbucks (since I work there and it sometimes kills me not to go and help) I read in my car in the driveway sometimes. or I siton my dryer and read and look at my fabric =)
What a great tutorial and giveaway! Thank you so much!
We (me and my hubby) mostly drink coffee in our car when going to work :)
I love your version of the coffee cozy - just like a mini quilt.
I definitely "need" more charm packs!
Coffee isn't coffee without lots of cream and sugar. I love the quilted cozies. I just decided that I am going to make these for my co-workers for Christmas. I need to start now!
Such a cute project! I'm more of a hot chocolate/tea girl myself. These would make great Mother's Day gifts!!
Great giveaway! Please count me in! My favorite drink is cappuccino and green tea.
I love your project! I'll have to make 3 manly ones for my sons. I don't drink coffee. I am more of a diet pepsi person when it comes to caffiene.
I don't like sweet drinks.. so here is my drink "Quad venti no foam non fat latte"
I've cut myself off though.. tightening of the budget! It took me a few weeks to get over it, but I'm totally happy with my coffee from home now!
What a great tutorial!! Thanks for posting! My favorite drink is mocha!! Count me in for the giveaway!
There is a place in Canmore - a little bistro - in Canmore, AB., 1 1/2 hours from home that makes the best Chai tea Latte EVER. Once in awhile we pile in the car on a Sunday morning, drive to Canmore, take the dog for a hike and then stop for a bagel sandwich and the tea - HEAVEN. What makes it the best is that we have stopped our day to day life, left stresses behind and are enjoying our family in the great outdoors.
I love my teas and can't functions without. Recently my sweet hubby brought home some Chai tea and boy is this tea YUMMY!! If you haven't tried some you don't know what you're missing.
Thank you for the wonderful tutorial, I'm going to put a few of these in our vehicles for the drive thru dash.
ps I've become a new follower too;o)
thank you so much for the step by step tut on coffee sleeves. i dont drink coffee, but i enjoy the smell so much! i prefer my caffeine cold!
Thanks for a great tute! I've been wanting to make some of the sleeves but hadn't found any good instructions yet.
I'm going to sign up as a follower, can't wait to read more!
Clever and cute!
Hey, thanks for the great tutorial and generous giveaway!
I don't drink coffee....but every once in awhile, I'll hit up Starbucks for a cinnamon flavored hot chocolate. :)
Great tutorial and I love the charm packs! My favorite java ritual is that first cup on Saturday morning ... when the whole weekend is still fresh and there are lots of possibilities ahead of you.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
What an awesome tutorial! Thank you Alyson! My favorite beverage treat is chai latte!
Congratulations on one year of blogging and almost 100 posts too.
I am a tea drinker. Thanks for the tutorial.
My coffee choice is Hazelnut with Amaretto creamer made by my hubby! I'd love a charm pack. Thanks for the tutorial.
Love tea but love the fabric more.
Super cute sleeves - I'm thinking...Christmas gifts!
I love a Milky Way from Moxie Java...basically a caramel mocha. I don't have an addiction, but I do like to treat myself when I need a stress reliever. I better go NOW! :)
So many people I could make that for! I myself don't drink coffee or tea. I drink tons and tons of milk, my husband and I (no kids) go through 6 gallons a week! I love being a coffee shops thought because I love the smell of coffee. Weird, I know.
Mmmm, I recently gave up my coffee habit for health reasons, and boy, do I miss it. But! I still enjoy a chai latte now and then as a treat--love them!
(ps--these charm packs? are gorgeous! Thanks for hosting a cool giveaway, and the great tutorial, too!)
Sadly I had to give up my main coffee addiction about 5 years ago. However, I have a major tea addiction, and a chai addiction in particular. I drink tea at home every day (we are talking a minumum of three mugs. I also drink tea after my yoga classes, because the studio offers free tea post yoga. I sit with the other students and we chat while sipping.
I am actually a tea drinker. I put a teensy shake of sugar and a tiny drip of milk in my Tetley British blend. Yum! My mother pours a 1/3 cup of whole milk and a heaping tablespoon of sugar into hers. Bleck!
Thanks for the chance at your giveaway :)
How about hot chocolate???
Nice giveaway. Generous of you.
I love my morning coffee with hazelnut creamer on the deck in the morning breathing in all the fresh air when it is nice and peaceful. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love my morning coffee! Just plain ol' black, dark roast--and made for me each morning by my hubby--he's a keeper :)
I love this idea and plan to use your tutorial to make some for my teaching buddies! My favorite caffeine jolt? A venti, white chocolate mocha (non-fat milk-I don't like whole) with one pump of raspberry syrup and whip cream of course! *This is a special occasion treat, that everyone should treat themselves to!**
Great tutorial! I feel so left out...I don't drink coffee or tea.
I love your tutorial! My favorite would be a large vanilla latte, YUM. I especially like drinking tea or coffee on a cold winter's day right next to the fireplace. I just love Moda's Odyssea. Thank for the chance to win this sweet giveaway.
Your coffee cup cozy is so cute it makes me wish I drank coffee. Do you think it would be equally darling on my Diet Coke can? Hmmmm... Thanks for the fun tutorial and the giveaway!
Your cup cozy's are really cute! (but I like Dr. Pepper!)
Must look at your blog further!
I love the smell of coffee but don't drink it at all. My treat at the local coffee shop is a chai tea, made with a tea bag steeped in steamed soy milk; no foam and no honey or other sweetner. Good thing I haven't figured out a way to make them at home that really works!
Congrats on your blogiversary!! The tutorial is great, I don't drink coffee but I know lots of people that do :) I could use it for my green tea!
I LOVE both of the fabrics that you are giving away, very yummy!
Thank you
shecarita at yahoo dot com
there is nothing to compare with the smell of java the first thing you smell as you enter M&S (UK) is the smell of coffee brewing and thats where I head first I adore trying new flavours each month either myself of my mum buy a pack of new ground coffee and sit down for a brew and a chat thanks for the chance sorry to blag on take care Nicole x
That is the most darling thing...a quilt for your coffee!!
Have you tried the dark cherry mocha--yummy! But my standard is a double tall vanilla latte.
What a great tutorial! These will be perfect for some good friends and family!!
And the charm packs you have are stunning :)
I love hanging with my hubby having a double tall pralines & cream latte. It keeps me going to then quilt the night away! :)
Love sitting in my garden with a nice Mocha with whip cream!! YUM. Thanks for the tutorial!!
It doesn't get any better than a steamer(steamed milk and tons of flavoring) in the winter and I am quite the italian soda making machine in the summertime! Gotta be frugal in this economy;)
Hazelnut coffee, huge mugs of it, which I can't actually consume, as I am nursing. So now, I love to sit on a park bench and make my one allowed daily espresso last as long as possible, with a book in hand.
Love this blog! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love a hot cup of English Breakfast tea with cream. Delicious. In fact the water is just boiling now!
Nice tutorial on making the coffee cup cozies too!
Thanks for a chance at one of those lovely charm packs!
great tutorial- thanks!
and congrats on your blogiversary and almost 100 posts- all together!!
i like to niddle felt infront of the computer looking at tutorials and so
Thanks for the tutorial! I'll take a Chai please, hot OR cold. :D
Regular coffee for me... to start, enjoy and finish my day... and some for in between too... I'm an addict...just as I'm addicted to charm packs ;-)
Great tutorial I can't wait to make my own coffee sleeve. I love a big mug of melted chocolate, ummmhh, simply delicious
Thanks for the chance, very nice tutorial. My favorite beverage is sipping hot dark cocoa - it warms the body and soul!
I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but I do love a good pumpkin spice latte in the fall! Or hot chocolate all year long! : ) Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway!
Love hazelnut coffee with a little cream and a soft hammock to read a good novel!
Thanks for sharing!
I usually have my coffee black, but I have discovered the mocha drinks at McDonalds...my cousin got one for me. They are delish!
I'm not a coffee drinker, but I like to make it when I'm at a hotel just for the smell. I like jamba juices and mint chocolate chip shakes, that is my favorite beverage treat. I would love to win a charm pack, either would do!
i'm a hot or iced tea kind of girl...black tea especially...i love nothing more than to head to barnes&noble and get a black iced tea and cruise the magazines and books...that makes for a perfect saturday morning for me!!
I have to admit, I do not drink a lot of coffee. I have a private stash from Zihautanejo, Mexico that I hoard.
But today, I paid a whopping $6.41 for something called a teddy bear. It was espresso, caramel, and white chocolate topped with whip cream and caramel sauce. Hellllllo new love!!
Thanks for the great tutorial and the giveaway. I like tea with nothing else in it. I do not drink coffee. I will read anywhere I can as long as it's quiet.
Cute charm packs! Thank you for this opportunity.
Actually, I like a little coffee with my cream and sugar. ;-) I also really like [coughStarbuckscough] Caramel Frappucino.
What a great idea! You should patent the design and sell them to Starbucks. I'm a Barry's tea fan myself... and now a fan and follower of this blog.
my favourite spot for a hot chocolate break and read is the Wellington Public Library in New Zealand - was fantastic! Great books to read, great comfy chairs & amazing hot chocolate!!
thanks for the giveaway!
I love the tutorial! I love a low fat white chocolate mocha from Starbucks.
I always love a good coffee and a good tutorial....now if they had craft-coffee houses I would have a real money down the drain problem also!
What a great tutorial thank you! Hmmm...how do I enjoy my coffee/java/cap/mocha....anyway I can! I'm such a junkie that I drink a pot of coffee at home, then stop to get my bf and myself some for our work morning, then if I can swing it, I stop at Starbucks on the way home. I love my coffee/caffeine and would love to try to make myself a sleeve out of either of this wonderful charm packs!!
Neat tutorial and I'll definitely be making some of these...
My beverage is regular coffee, freshly ground with a pinch of sugar and a little cream - nothing fancy here!
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